You Are a Hero!

And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to fight the armies of the aliens »

Would you, by chance, be the hero of the century? When we see suffering heroes have to pass through, we are less interested in imitating them than in admiring them; however when we consider the glory that crowns their life and immortalize their names, they turn into our idols of all times. Being hero is not improvised, nor is it chosen. It is the result of circumstances that pull a man or a woman to the top of sublime glory the destiny has called them for. But walking with God can make us heroes of all times.

This week message invites us to study heroism condition, but that of faith heroes. For we come to think their origin and destiny made what they became, forgetting that anyone can become a hero, by imitating heroes.

1- Origins and circumstances of their birth do not matter

Conditions around birth of heroes are very different and don’t always foreshadow, unless in some exceptions, that the born child is predestinated to achieve any bravery action. We know nothing about birth of Noah, Abraham, Enoch, Gideon, David, Daniel and his friends, etc. Birth of some has been announced early in advance or surrounded with a peculiar mystery like that of Moses (cast on waters of the Nil after his birth, to save him from the extermination of Hebrew male children orchestrated by the Pharaoh of that time (Exodus 2: 1-3)), Samson (whose birth was announced to free Israel from his enemies’ oppression (Judge 13:3)), Samuel (Anne’s comfort child, though God made her barren (1 Sam. 1:11)), John Baptist and Jesus Christ, our savior, just to mention a few.

They were (and are) ordinary people like us, for the most. To put it Christopher Reeve, « a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles ».

2- They happened to doubt themselves at a certain point and also suffered despise from others….

Most often than not heroes have been doubted or despised. As they doubt themselves, they sometimes feel unable to commit in the mission they are called for. On the contrary, some of them have been despised by their neighborhood, with an inadequate outward looking and profiles compared to challenges to take. Moses refused for a long time God’s call before getting convinced (Exodus 3:1-10) pointing out his personal inabilities (I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue) and Israel people’s judgment over him. Despite his inner conviction, David’s neighboring discouraged him from confronting the giant Goliath. Gideon and many others belittled themselves in front of their mission. It even came to pass that Elijah, the prophet, fled the death threat from Jezebel.

3- Their secret and our possible victory…

When they started the mission, they did not give it up (Phil. 3:14). They wanted to complete it, only guided by faith and inner conviction to overcome, whatever their weaknesses and tiredness could be. They counted on God and remained dependent on Him, looking for his glory rather than their own. They lived an ordinary life, guided by God’s extraordinary power. They also passed though many trials that sometimes led them to doubt themselves on their way. John Baptist, as he was arrested by Herod, sent his disciples to ask Jesus-Christ if he were the Messiah, while he announced Jesus-Christ’s arrival, baptized him and got the testimony that he was the son of God (Math. 11:2-3 & Math. 3: 13-17); Elijah, when he was fleeing before the death threat from Jezebel, could ask God to take his soul (1 King 19:4). We can see that Elijah communicated with God who encouraged him.

Secret of faith heroes is therefore their faith, their endurance and close communion with God. You are the hero of this century and we all should be one. Challenges that brought the names of these heroes up are still there: your personal life, your family, your nation, your church, …We must fight sin that is one huge enemy, struggle for salvation of lost souls and do everything to enter the heavenly kingdom as the Apostle Paul lustily desired it (Phil. 3:14)

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