Charge yourself now

Charge yourself now

17 févr. 2025

Martial KOUNOU

"Take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand." Ephesians 6:13


There are days in everyone’s life the Bible calls the evil days. It would have been relieving if our anchor verse had said, “if the day of evil comes”. Instead, it reads “ when the day of evil comes ”. That simply means that each one of us will pass through challenging circumstances, times of difficulties and adversity. For some, it will be early in their journey while others will experience it later. That’s why the Lord, through the mouth of wise Solomon, advises us in Ecclesiastes 12:1, “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come (…)” . This verse confirms that evil days are not hypothetical but will surely come. The key questions then are: how do you survive evil days? What preparatory steps should one take to expect to face those trial moments with the assurance of overcoming them?

The good news is that one can survive evil days. Look at Job, “the greatest of all the men of the east” (Job 1:3) who lost everything in one day and yet stood his ground throughout the trial.

In this era of modernity where technology has invaded all aspects of our lives, before we travel to areas where we know there is little to no possibility of charging our electronic gadgets, we would charge them all and yet, carry with us power banks. This is because we don’t want to act foolishly like the virgins of Matthew 25:3. Unfortunately, we don’t always understand that we should display the same nature and level of wisdom when it comes to our spiritual journey, a journey during which unpredictable things can happen that would bring us back to square one .

Brethren, in the days of adversity, you will only be as strong as the power of God you have downloaded in your life before evil days come . If you were a casual Christian, one of the kind a man of God calls “joker of power”, you will easily melt like butter exposed to heat when adverse circumstances storm your life. That is why you need to charge yourself massively, heavily and aggressively now so that you don’t faint in the day of adversity because of your small strength (Prov. 24:10).

If you are passing through evil days right now, may the Lord Almighty strengthen you and deliver you!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved