Wait Patiently for God’s Appointed Time!

Wait Patiently for God’s Appointed Time!

6 déc. 2020

Martial KOUNOU

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, (…) though it tarry, wait for it” Habakkuk 2:30.

In this era essentially characterised by speed and the will of getting everything on the spot, one can hardly evoke or promote the virtue of waiting without expecting either the majority to show indifference or a minority of people to violently reject one’s message. And yet, any careful observer of key natural phenomena will attest to it that time is a key factor in the process of turning a seed into harvest.

Similarly, for anyone that believes God for breaking records and making any meaningful impact, time is of essence and those that understand this principle and consistently apply it do enjoy the fruit thereof.

Please note that Elisha did not start his ministry the very day he touched Elijah’s mantle; he had to wait for quite a long time before. David, on the other hand, was anointed by Samuel as King Saul’s successor. But he was not crowned the same day. Not only did he have to wait, but he had to go through some challenging circumstances despite the promise of becoming Israel’s king. Had either of these two leaders attempted to accelerating things by cutting short the waiting time, I bet they would have experienced so many more issues that could have resulted in them missing their calling.

My brother and my sister, no matter what God promised to achieve in your life or through you, it will assuredly come to pass at its appointed time if you would patiently wait on Him. Anytime man has attempted to “help God” in order to presumably speed up processes, he has ended up making his situation worse and creating even more problems to mankind. Abraham’s attempt to have the promised son through Hagar was a failure which is still having negative echo today.

Please, in our walk with God, let’s learn the virtue of patience for as the saying goes, “the patient dog is the one that eventually eat the fleshy bone”. Therefore accept to go at God’s speed. Avoid the extremes of going too fast or too slow. Wait patiently for his time and you will see how, against all odds, he will perfectly achieve his promise in your life.

Because they have failed to understand this truth, some people have missed their calling or abandoned the ministry long before the time God has appointed to elevate them. Please don’t follow their example. Trust in God; he is never late!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

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