2 mai 2021

Martial KOUNOU

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong(…)”- Ecclesiastics 9:11

I once read somewhere this “anyone you see in life is fighting a battle you know nothing about. (…)” And I know from experience that this is true. Our battles might differ in size, but they are definitely real and we can’t avoid them indefinitely and still expect to reach our promised land and achieve our destiny in life. Even Israel, the God chosen people, had to fight a number of battles before reaching Canaan and entering into their promised rest.

The good news is what Solomon teaches us in Ecclesiastics 9:11, today meditation verse. The keys to winning life battles is first ensuring God is with you, then inviting him to fight for you. Those who make God an ally in their life battles are mountain movers (Mark 11:23) and they invariably end up with mind blowing testimonies (1 Sam. 3:11)

I heard about the story of a Christian. He worked in a company and was looking for a promotion. But his boss said he would only get that promotion if he agreed to join the secret society of which he was a member. The Christian became afraid and, in the midst of that confusion, informed his pastor about the situation. The Pastor advised they should pray and just said “Mountain, move!”. God intervened in a very miraculous way. The boss, who had been the hindrance to the brother’s promotion all that while, got transferred to another place; the Christian got his promotion and started enjoying it. Then the boss was brought back. But by the time he came back, the Christian had reached the same hierarchical level as he.

My brother, my sister, if God would open your eyes to see how many people are looking for that thing you are yearning for, if he would unveil to you the slightest edge of the mystical approaches your competitors are taking to get it, you would understand that however big you think your strength is, it is actually much too little in the process of you winning. Jeremiah 17: 5-6 says that you are under curse if you trust human being. But if you turn to God, he can change any situation in life in your favor.

Make God your permanent ally. Depart from Him for no reason whatsoever and always remember this: you can’t be a part time Christian and defeat full time demons

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