15 mai 2022

Martial KOUNOU

“(…) thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Genesis 2: 17

There are times in life when you go through certain challenging situations. With the benefit of hindsight, you wish a senior and more experienced person had warned you and if you had had that opportunity, you probably wouldn’t have become a victim. Instead, you could have turned those challenges into opportunities, thus taking big strides toward achieving your unique destiny.

In contrast, life and history provide us with examples of people who were born with glorious destinies. God, through their family, friends, prophets, etc. warned them about things in their lives which, if not put under check, would put their brilliant destiny into jeopardy and eventually land them in trouble. Like us today, when those warnings came, they looked so remote and seemed so unlikely that, unconsciously, with their own hands, those people became the very artists of their downfall.

For example, God’s warning to Adam and Eve against the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did not prevent them from eating of its fruits thus terminating their blissful life and ending putting into trouble. Samson’s birth was announced long before it happened and together with the announcement came things he should avoid. But disobedience to parents and God led him straight into the hands of Delila who unknitted the protection around Samson. He therefore became a toy in the hands of those he was born to deliver Israel from. Samson was warned and yet he failed. Solomon is the last example of my selection. This is a man that so moved God’s heart at the beginning of his kingship that above and beyond what he asked God, the Almighty bestowed him with wealth and wisdom more than to anyone before or after him. In the form of warning, the only thing God asked of him in counterpart was strict obedience like David his father (1 King 6:15). In 2 Chronicles 7:17-22 (please read it), God was more detailed and mentioned what obedience would yield to Solomon and how disobedience to His word would make Him do things that would make ears of those who hear about it to tingle. That notwithstanding, Solomon’s end greatly contrasted with his beginning.

My brother and my sister, is there anything God has warned you against? Please make sure you never lose sight of it and let it serve to keep you in His way rather than take you astray. Remain blessed.

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved