Under his Watchful Protection!

Under his Watchful Protection!

1 déc. 2019

Martial KOUNOU

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” Psalm 91:1

A story is told of a Nigerian brother who went to Church where that day service included, among others, the anointing. As he had no personal transport means to go back to his village, he was left with no choice but take a public transport with other passengers. No sooner had they driven on a few miles than they were stopped by a group of criminals in what was seemingly a well-organized ambush. From the number of corps on the ground, the passengers understand how little their chance to escape was. And they were actually right for the criminals had the passengers get down and they struck each of them with the edge of the sword. When came the turn of the brother who was anointed earlier that day, one of the gangsters looked at him straight in the eyes and said: “had it not been because of that sign your head is marked with, I would have subjected you to the same sentence that applied to other passengers. Now, out of my sight and save yourself”. The brother did not have to be repeat that instruction twice and though he was shocked by what he had witnessed, he was happy to have saved his life.

That true story, counted by the pastor of the brother whose life was spared, epitomises the protection work the Lord does for those who have chosen him as refuge and whose lives he has marked with the seal of his presence. The story teaches us a variety of lessons out of which the following two are worthy of interest. One the one hand, God is able to single out his children using an array of mechanisms with the view of protecting them. On the other hand, even despite his murderous insanity, Satan knows his limits as defined by God and is left with no option but respect them; Job’s example is one of the best possible illustrations.

Beloved ones, still 30 days to go and 2019 will become but a history detail. We are privileged to be among those who have seen December 2019 and our secret prayers in this month where Satan is in general very active to make the most casualties, is that we enter 2020. For that to happen, let’s appropriate the words of Psalm 91:1.

Excellent week!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved