The interdependent relationship between God and Men

The interdependent relationship between God and Men

19 avr. 2020

Yunusa Dan KARAMI

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”. John 15: 5

Jesus uses the tree allegory to show the interdependent relationship that exists between God and the human race. Jesus is the true vine, his father the gardener and the human race the branches. Let’s explore each role individually.

No tree can plant and take care of itself without a gardener. The gardener runs series of activities to ensure the well-being of the tree before, during and after planting. He selects the location as this determines the soil which is ideal for the development of the kind of tree he plants. He ensures that the tree is planted by the stream of water; the water represents the Holy Spirit who will care and sustain the life of the tree (Psalm 1:3). The gardener also has the sole responsibility of pruning the branches in due season to bear much fruits.

The vine connects the nutrients in the soil with water and transport them to the various parts of the tree including the branches. This is the work of Jesus which he has already accomplished at the cross.

The branches are expected not only to produce fruits but fruits in abundance. These fruits must pass the quality control test of the gardener and not compromise in any way. Some branches are closer to the trunk and others further away; nevertheless, they receive life from the same tree. Branches differ in sizes and shapes, so do our calls but yet contribute to the same mission and the ultimate mission for any Christian is to bring to fold the lost sheep by bearing much fruits.

In this sketch, Christians are not expected to live in silo or disconnected from the world. Yes, we are not of the world but we are in the world to impact and positively change the world system to the glory of God. One however witnesses a paradigm shift as soon as one becomes a Christian. One is heavily involved in church like activities and drifting away from the communities one is to transform. This Christian life and call should be balanced as all extremes may not necessarily produce the intended results. Paul the apostle is a great example of a tentmaker living in a community and impacting it with the gospel. Are our current outreach methods really effective?

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