Take Control (again)!

Take Control (again)!

10 févr. 2019

Martial KOUNOU

“So the Lord said to Moses: “See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh (…)”” Exodus 7:1

We know the historical background of those words from the Lord! Israel was under the secular dominion of Egypt and Israel children had to offer their services almost free of charge to that country against their will in a total denial of individual and collective freedoms. Treated as perfect slaves, they were victims of all kinds of humiliations that confined them in the role of beasts of burden. Pharaoh, who knew the invaluable contribution to the Egyptian economy of those people that could be molded and exploited at will, swayed between hesitation and firmness but was eventually indifferent to all invites to let the people of God go.

By saying to Moses “See”, the Lord was inviting him not to appreciate things with his physical eyes, since human eyes are much too little qualified to embrace and apprehend things that are of the spiritual realm; he rather wanted him to understand his status as god over Pharaoh for, only understanding of that truth makes us outstanding and allows us to subdue to our power anything that is likely to resist us. It is owing to it that we have assurance that however boisterous the storm may be, it will not take us away but will rather promptly obey us.

If by the law of procreation, like begets like, by creating man in his own image (Gen. 1:27), God created a god. Therefore, rather than be a blasphemy, it is a biblical truth to say that we are gods as show among others in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34.

It stems from our nature as god that we are empowered to manifest God in all areas of our life. Hence we should subdue all pharaohs in our life rather than be subdue to them. Likewise, if by filiation we are gods, only that which can affect God our father will have power to scare us.

Today, we are like people with priceless power in their hand but suffering just like powerless people. It is imperative for us to take control of situations that alarm us by fully using the power we are given. As long as we ignore that wonderful power, we will be submissive toys in the hands of the enemy who will invariably use it against us. May God help us!

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved