25 oct. 2020

Timothy SAM

"If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet."—John 13:14.

Most times people focus on the impact they want to make. They focus on the big vision, counting the list of successes and global impact they are making or have made. They forget that there are very simple actions that demonstrate our love, service and impact in life. For Jesus, success is not how many wealth you gather but how many lives you touch to access grace and direct God’s love. This is what I call the Jesus’ vision.

From the scripture above, this seems hard decision to make in washing someone feet. Historically, washing of feet was done by slaves in the Hebrew culture. It was a sign of acceptance and love demonstrated to a guest. We will not say this is simple, in most places no money is involved but pride, acceptance and love is tested. In the case of the disciples, there were no slave available to perform this task and for three years working with Jesus they never washed Jesus’s feet. It was shocking to the disciple Jesus point this huge lack of opportunity of no one to have washed his feet.

Given the lesson from washing of feet demonstrated Jesus’ unfailing love and selflessness, he charged us to demonstrate that same love to our neighbours. Counting success comes from the very simple things that we ignore. Service to ourselves is losing our ego and prestige to sacrifice for one another. As one of my coach, Paul, puts it, "walk in love, even as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour."—Eph. 5:2.

Service is not cheap. It can only be provided if we are deliberate and willing to sacrifice. As children of God, this is one of the greatest commitments we can make to God by demonstrating God’s love through service to one another.

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