26 sept. 2021

Martial KOUNOU

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and the righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33

Loved ones,

Considering F.O.C.U.S as an acronym, somebody once defined it like this: Follow One Course Until Successful. Focus therefore speaks about concentration on the target, dedication, prioritization and is antinomic to distraction and dispersion of energy. Please what is the current focus of your life? Is it having the most beautiful man/woman as wife or husband, achieving outstanding social success, owning houses, lands, cities, driving the most expensive cars, travelling to the maximum countries and cities of the world, etc.?

When the Bible says “for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36), it actually means that however attractive this world’s offers could be, what matters most and which should constantly occupy each Christian’s mind should be this vital and quite unavoidable question: “where will my soul spend eternity?”

This is no time for us to be casual with God and with spiritual requirements, lest we end up casualties. Instead, let’s earnestly put the Kingdom of God first, be addicted to His presence, desire what matters for Him and avoid running after obvious distractions that will kill our passion for Him and end us in everlasting flames. Loved ones, rapture is much closer than we could ever think. I urge us to start thinking “heavens” and things of this world will lose interest, savor and value for us.

Of late have you checked the temperature of your love for God? Do you still love Him as much as you once used to or have issues of life, the hunger for materialism, the desire to make it socially at all costs, the family issues you are passing through quenched the fire of your love for Him? Is your relationship with God now only motivated by what you can get from Him? If that is the case, you need to make a U-turn and urgently reconsider your focus. Remember this: Daniel did not love praying God by reason of scarcity but rather out of love. The Christianity that really matters is the one that builds on our love for God.

The good news is that you cannot pursue God, be an addicted lover of God and lack anything because if you put His kingdom and righteousness first, He will fight your known and unknown and bless and do wonders in your life as He promised in 1 Corinthians 2:9

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