Hurry to hear me

Hurry to hear me

7 juin 2018

Root of Hope

“Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly.” Psalm 102: 2

It is often reproached to some people, to word their prayers as though they were giving orders to God. In the light of the above verse, one could imagine the circumstances that could lead to adopting this attitude of prayer. Here, the atrocity of the psalmist's pains obliges him to ask for God’s urgent help.

By way of pejorative metaphors, he bitterly described the unfortunate situation he was going through. Days fading into smoke, bones burning like a brand, heart degenerating like dead grass, pelican of the desert, screech owl of ruins, solitary bird on a roof, ... that's what he happened to be.

He attributed the cause of his misfortunes to God, of whom he had found himself far away from. Certainly, the author wrote this psalm when he was in captivity just like the author of Psalm 137.

However, the interest of this prayer is that it was addressed to God alone. Despite his painful situation the author besought and wanted to return to God. He recognized his sovereignty as David who could say to God: "Where shall I go from your spirit? And where shall I flee from your face?” (Psalms 139: 8)

Truly, what could lead us afar from God except sin? From the beginning to the present day, sin is the great reason for separation between man and God. Any other lenient speech is misleading. We should rejoice that God reminds us so often. Because all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God (The Bible, Romans 6:23). And what human condition could be more unpleasant than a life of sin?

Dear reader, how far are you from God? Without reducing or even cancelling this distance, it would be impossible for us to be covered with his glory. Many are we to tolerate sin in our lives, without confessing or abandoning it. Accused by our conscience and feeling unworthy of the community of Saints, we move away from God, seeking shortcuts to build a happiness which always flees and we often build on sand dunes if we manage to touch the silhouette.

God is waiting right now for our confession and our coming back to Him. He wants to wash our shame in the ocean of his love and cover our nakedness with his hands. He is waiting for us to shout: "Hurry to hear me, Lord".

Good week.

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved