Be cautious and simple

Be cautious and simple

20 mai 2018


“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16.

The snake generally has a negative symbolism through Holy Scriptures. In the original garden, it is the snake that causes the fall of man and his separation from the Creator. He will come again through several passages, associated with trickery, seduction, and destruction by the venom of poisoning.

The snake alone presents the perfect figure of the cruel enemy of the human race through generations. This relationship of hostility between him and man appears as a condemnation without appeal: "And I will put enmity, between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers;

he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3.15. The snake, what a harm, what an animal, could we say!

But, in spite of all its features of negativity, the Bible will recognize to the snake a certain quality that should be imitated: prudence. It is the attitude of the person who foresees the probable consequences of his future actions and who regulates his conduct accordingly. It is the inner disposition of a person that applies to avoid mistakes, if not faults, as far as possible.

Being cautious is a virtue of essential importance. It allows us to consider our ways before any action and thus avoids us a lot of mistakes. It is often very unfortunate to realize that we have just said a word, made a decision or an action with negative consequences for ourselves and/or for others, whereas a few minutes of previous precautions could have avoided that.

In addition to prudence, the verse of the week offers us to associate simplicity. It is the quality of what is natural, unpretentious, and without excess. Simplicity preserves us from the desire to impress and manipulative hints. Simplicity is also a trait of inner purity, the expression of a state of mind liberated from vanity and falsity.

Simplicity makes us accessible beyond all considerations related to social position or material possession. Let us be simple as Jesus was and as the disciples were.

A prayer for this week

Father, I thank you that you reveal to me the traits of character to be developed to better manifest the Christ, living within me. Thank you for keeping me cautious and simple in every practical situation this week and beyond. Amen

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